Patient info
Cancellation Policy
A 24-hour cancellation policy is in place to protect our time and energy. No-shows and patients who cancel within this window will be charged full price. If a patient fails to pay any fees, returning appointments may be cancelled.
Returning patients who have 1 or more no-shows may also be required to pay full price in order to book a treatment.
3 or more reschedules of an appointment, will result in the patient paying full price for the treatment in advance.
What do I wear?
Wear loose fitting clothing that provides access to legs and arms. Bring a hair tie to keep hair out of the way. Wear minimal jewelry. You can always change into more comfortable clothing once you arrive.
Before your treatment
Arrive well hydrated and eat breakfast the day of your appointment.
Please do not drink coffee or energy drinks 2 hours before your appointment; studies show this can make acupuncture less effective.
Please shower before your appointment if you have been physically active.
Forms of Payment
All major credit cards, Apple Pay, Venmo, HSA and FSA. We do not accept insurance at this time.
We do not create Superbills for out-of-network costs.
CC on File
All patients are required to have an active credit card on file to book an appointment.
Kid Policy
No children are allowed to wait in the waiting room unattended.
Only children who have an appointment are allowed.